
Relaxo Calm Capsules

599.00 479.00


  • Promote Sleep
  • Natural Tranquilizer
  • Relieves stress & anxiety
  • Regulate Palpitation


Relaxo calm capsules contains herbs which help to cope up with sleep disorders like restlessness, headache, stress, insomnia & anxiety.. its ingredients works in synergy to promote calming & relaxation. It is an excellent soothing sleep formula & also helps to regulate sleep, relieves insomnia.


Sarpagandha           Withania somnifera                  50mg.

Shankhpushpi         Convolvulus Jatamansi            50mg.

Manoukparni           Centiafla asiatica                        50mg.

Jatamansi                Nordostychus jatamansi          50mg.

Vach                          Arorus calamus                          25mg.

Punernava                Boerhaavia deffusa                   50mg.

Suggested use: – 1-2 Capsules twice a day or as directed by physician with water.

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Additional information

Weight 100 g
Pack of

60 Veg Capsules